'You may call it "nonsense" if you like,' she said, 'but I'VE heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!'
Sarita participated in Unbound, an inspiring artist book workshop that culminated in an exhibition of book sculpture. Her obsession with quotes from Alice in Wonderland resulted in a woven dress, made of banana fibre paper.
"What is the use of a book without pictures or conversations?"
This narrative dress, a picture in itself, in iconic blue and white with conversations woven in and real objects - a golden key, a pocket watch, butterflies and flowers is reminiscent of the hidden secrets that Alice finds in Wonderland.
Details of the narrative dress |
The exhibits at Unbound by SG Vasudev, Surekha, Umesh Kumar, Sheela Gowda, Jenny Pinto, Ayisha Abraham, Jason Cherian, Jayashree Poddar, Sarita |
Unbound was a workshop and exhibition of sculpted books and visual stories organised by Jenny Pinto. The exhibition was on from July 1 to July 3, 2011 at Scion, Indiranagar, Bangalore.