December 14, 2012

We Are 7!

Trapeze turns seven today!  

(In picture: Delicious apricot sponge cake with orange curd.
Not in picture: Sarita's ever-amazing-lemon muffins)

December 12, 2012


See our older same number dates here 11.11.11 &  08.08.08
12.12.12 on facebook

November 3, 2012

A Summer of Curious Content

From a film studio that wanted a series of quirky installations to a shoe brand that wanted upcycled installations. Flying piglets that met swinging tyres. Jumping cube-faced men that broke through walls and insect-creatures that perambulate shakily. Here is a sneak peek of works in progress and finished pieces. The creatures await in the sidelines while BBMP cleans up the streets.

The months prior to installation saw Georgie and Sarita driving to and fro with piggy parts.  


A series of upcycled art installations created and curated by Trapeze for Puma to be displayed along the streets and public areas of Bangalore.  We worked with  a group of artists- Maya and her bench, Vivek and Nachi with their Cycle Creature, Pradeep and Nanaiah with tyres and Trapeze with Letters of Joy. Material was scoured from the Dovetail waste bin, from the City Market, cycle and tyre sheds. 

Vivek and Nachi's Cycle Creature

Maya with her bench

August 18, 2012

6pm on a Saturday

Treats from Goa!

(2 x Pilsner) / 7  aka keeping a strict watch on per glass distribution

"What? You don't want yours? Why, I'd be very glad to take it off your hands!"

And a happy weekend to you too.

August 13, 2012

Hello Kitty

Our initial assumptions of tiny UFOs (Unidentified Feline Objects) above our roof was confirmed with this sighting a few days ago. This one seemed to quite enjoy peering at us through the stairs. Beam us up, Kitty!

Trapeze @ Pune Design Festival '12

Earlier this year, Sarita and Ram were invited to speak at the Pune Design Festival- Design without Boundaries, organised by the Association of Designers of India.

Suresh, Studio Eeksaurus with Sarita and Ram, Trapeze during a panel discussion.
~Image courtesy Sajith Ansar~

Sarita and Ram's talk focused on the theme of the event- Design Without Boundaries. As designers, we are often slotted and boxed into certain stereotypes with respect to the kind of work that we do, the way we approach it and so on. But isn't that far from the case? We are constantly breaking down walls, donning different hats, learning new things, holding hands and taking leaps of faith.

The format of the Pune Design Festival was almost intimate in a sense, with more interaction between speakers and participants (especially students) than one usually sees in design events - the organisers had quite effectively broken the fourth wall. Groups of talks and subsequent panel discussions were followed by tea breaks and break-away sessions of workshops that allowed for more discussion to be generated on the topics at hand. 

August 10, 2012

Two Punctures and a Lake

Five Trapezoids and a friend cycle 26km in the-most-amazing-weather-yet from Decathlon, Sarjapur to Muthanallur Lake on August 4, 2012.


Masterclass in gear shifting + Test runs inside the studio to ensure that everyone

Houston, we have a problem
Puncture #1, 5 minutes after we started

click on image for full awesomeness of Muthanallur Lake

'Zoids on cycles

Puncture #2 strikes while returning

Highlight of the trip after the lake. Found...somewhere.
More punctures were just waiting to happen on this stretch

And we're done.

Click to view our route and milestones