August 10, 2012

Two Punctures and a Lake

Five Trapezoids and a friend cycle 26km in the-most-amazing-weather-yet from Decathlon, Sarjapur to Muthanallur Lake on August 4, 2012.


Masterclass in gear shifting + Test runs inside the studio to ensure that everyone

Houston, we have a problem
Puncture #1, 5 minutes after we started

click on image for full awesomeness of Muthanallur Lake

'Zoids on cycles

Puncture #2 strikes while returning

Highlight of the trip after the lake. Found...somewhere.
More punctures were just waiting to happen on this stretch

And we're done.

Click to view our route and milestones

1 comment:

  1. Ooh! The route looks quite extensive on this map. Did you guys cycle all the way? That's quite something.

    Sari you look quite pro, like one of em serious cyclists with all the serious gear. Why did all this adventurous stuff never happen when I was there? :(
    I miss Bangalore. :(
